Tailored: Bore and Stroke Exhibition

TAILORED: Bore & Stroke examines the exciting world of automotive custom and DIY culture in Singapore, exploring its influence in art, urban culture, design, fashion and lifestyle.

This exhibition demonstrates how the spirit of customisation in the automotive world has permeated contemporary creative practices, reflecting a deep-seated desire for personal expression and identity transformation. By investigating three main areas – urban art, design and fashion – this exhibition unravels the complex psychological and cultural dimensions that drive the customisation phenomenon in Singapore today.

Metamo Industries had the opportunity to showcase “Geylang Crunk: Enter the Glampong”, a new expansion of the Geylang Crunk metaverse, featuring a 1:1 scale digital recreation of the vibrant Kampong Gelam neighborhood where the exhibition took place as part of Aliwal Urban Arts Fest 2025. Set in the Psyberpunk Geylang Crunk timeline, players were able to explore the environment to discover real graffiti and street art pieces contributed by RSCLS graffiti crew and meet characters designed and inspired by their real-world counterparts.

Participating artists/curators:

ANTZ, Artist, Singaporean

Bart (The Big Red Nose), Artist, Singaporean

Ian Akmat (Mad Rat), Artist, Singaporean

Iman Ismail, Curator, Singaporean

Metamo Industries, Artist, Based in Singapore

NextOfKin Creatives, Artist, Singaporean

Sludge Machines, Artist, Singaporean

Sufian Hamri (TraseOne), Artist, Singaporean

The Goodnight Gang (GDNT), Artist, Singaporean

Tosh, Artist, Singaporean

WoolyBully (Moon), Artist, Singaporean


Now You See Us? at Light to Night 2025


Axe Body Spray for EWC